4 of the best Anti-aging Ingredients

The 4 Best Anti-Aging Essential Oils

1. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil is one of the most hydrating oils and it absorbs quickly into the skin. It contains many beneficial ingredients, including vitamin E, vitamin B complex, silicon, chromium, copper and zinc. It also can address the average person’s lack of iodine rich foods, as it has a very high percentage of iodine at 82 percent. Iodine gives jojoba oil its healing and Anti-aging properties.

Our sebaceous glands are microscopic glands in our skin that secrete an oily or waxy matter called sebum (oil). The texture and use of sebum is very similar to jojoba oil, so as we age our sebaceous glands produce less sebum, which is why we get dry skin and hair.

A jojoba oil benefit is that it plays the role of sebum and moisturizes our skin and hair when our body stops doing it naturally. On the other hand, too much sebum, which happens when hormone levels are high, can result in oily skin and acne. Jojoba oil removes sticky build-up or excess oil, too; it keeps your oil levels balanced. That makes it a strong natural treatment for eczema as well as home remedy for acne, plus well suited for other dry-skin conditions.

As an emollient, jojoba oil moisturizes our skin and prevents irritations, or scaly and rough patches. Dry skin is caused by a loss of water in the upper layer of the skin. Jojoba oil works by forming an oily layer on the top of the skin that traps water in the skin. It works on your face, neck, hands, feet and hair; you can use it anywhere on your body because it’s completely natural and contains no chemicals that lead to an allergic reaction.

Jojoba oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it doesn’t clog pores. Jojoba oil is rich in iodine, which fights harmful bacteria growth that leads to breakouts. The antioxidants present in jojoba oil soothe fine lines, wrinkles and naturally slow down other signs of aging.

Jojoba oil can also accelerate the wound-healing process, as indicated in a study done at the Department of Environment and Life Sciences in Italy. The results proved that jojoba oil speeds up wound closures and stimulates collagen synthesis; the study also noted that jojoba oil had extremely low toxic effects when used on the skin.

A 2012 study conducted in Germany examined jojoba oil’s ability to reduce skin lesions and improve overall skin condition for 194 participants, who applied clay masks with jojoba oil to their faces two to three times per week; 54 percent of the participants reported that skin lesions were reduced significantly after six weeks of using jojoba oil.

2. Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate seed oil is my favourite ingredient for the serum recipe below, as pomegranate has been used throughout history for its many benefits. Pomegranates are associated with anti-aging, and the most powerful form of pomegranate for anti-aging is its oil.

You will notice there’s a dark red colour with pomegranate oil, which are called bioflavonoids. That dark colour also protects your skin from sun damage. If you ever go outside and get a sunburn, put pomegranate seed oil on your skin — it has a natural SPF and can be used as a natural sunblock and sunscreen.

3. Frankincense Oil

What is frankincense good for? It can reduce the appearance of sunspots and age spots. If you have uneven colour on your skin, some whiteness in some areas, any spottiness or uneven skin tone, frankincense oil is the number one ingredient that can help even out skin tone and help get rid of sunspots and age spots.

Frankincense essential oil is a powerful astringent, meaning it helps protect skin cells. It can be used to help reduce acne blemishes, the appearance of large pores and wrinkles. The oil can be used anywhere where the skin becomes saggy such as the abdomen, jowls, or under the eyes. Mix six drops of oil to one ounce of an unscented oil like jojoba oil and apply it directly to the skin. Be sure to always do a small patch area though first to test for possible allergic reactions.

Frankincense can help strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defence mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. Studies have shown that it helps tone and lift skin, reduces appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. It can also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.

4. Lavender Oil

The last essential oil to use is lavender essential oil. It’s probably the No. 1 oil that helps heal skin conditions, burns and cuts — but also because it specifically targets your skin, gets it in a healing state and improves cellular communication within your skin.

Arguably the most dangerous and most common risk factor for every disease, free radicals (toxins, chemicals, pollutants, etc.) are responsible for shutting down your immune system and can cause unbelievable damage to your body, including your skin.

You need antioxidants to successfully fight free radical damage, and according to research, lavender essential oil helps your body produce three of your bodies most powerful antioxidants, glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase.

Most likely due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics, lavender essential mixed with benefit-rich Aloe Vera or coconut oil has profound benefits on your skin. Just 10 drops per one ounce of Aloe Vera or oil will sooth the worst sunburn and bring rapid healing to dry skin, minor cuts and scraps.

Want to reduce age spots? Try mixing lavender oil with frankincense essential oil and put it on your skin first thing in the morning, right after you shower and right before bed.

Anti-Aging Serum Recipe

Pomegranate Oil 10 ml

Jojoba Oil 35 ml

Frankincense Essential Oil 5 drops

Lavender Essential Oil 20 drops

Vitamin E 1-2 Capsule

Mix all these ingredients in a small pump bottle and mix well.

The vitamin E will act as a natural preservative as well as heal and protect the skin.

Use twice daily after cleaning the skin.
